“Mucogingival periodontal plastic surgery”, Giovanni Zuchelli – Bucureşti 2013
Style italiano, curs – Sinaia 2013
Competence in Aesthetics – Viena 2013
Restaurări directe şi indirecte, Lorenzo Vanini – Bucureşti 2013
Primul Simpozion Internațional Perio–Transilvania – Sibiu 2014
“Transilvania Congress of Dentistry”, speaker with the scientific presentation “Treatment of multiple recession defects”, Cluj-Napoca, 2016
“Watch the experts in regenerative and plastic-esthetic periodontal surgery and peri-implantitis surgery” – Continuing Education Course Prof. Dr. Anton Sculean, School of Dental Medicine Bern, 2017
“Orthodontic Oral Surgery” în cadrul FACE, București, 2018
Simpozionul Espertise, Cluj-Napoca 2015
Soft Tissue Plastic Surgery in the Aesthetic Areas of the Mouth: Management of gingival defects around teeth and implants, Giovanni Zucchelli, București, 2015
“Absolute Esthetics”, International Congress of Esthetic Dentestry, 13th edition, 2016, București
Transilvania Congress of Dentistry, speaker with the scientific presentation “Periodontal plastic microsurgery for the augmentation of keratinised tissue “, Cluj-Napoca, 2018
Membru al Societăţii Române de Parodontologie
European Federation of Periodontology (EFP)
Societatea Stomatologica Romana de Estetica (SSER)